Server Updates, May 11
Posted on May 11,2024 at 17:44
  • Added Item Transfer Token, you can use this token to transfer selected items (armors/weapons/wings) from Agartha to Lothar realm and vice versa. To transfer an item, drag this token to an item in your main inventory, after the successful transfer login to your account in the realm where you transfered the item with any of your character to claim the item. This token is available in our ingame CashShop under Token category. If you used this token in Agartha then the item will be transfered to Lothar and vice versa.
  • Update with our Castle Siege bet system with Jewel of Bless (30) bet category, if an alliance won by defending the crown for 45 minutes, the Guild Master of the alliance will receive an extra 5% of the total jewel bet. Let say the alliance X bet 1000, Y bet 800 and Z bet 500, if alliance X won by 45 minutes. defend, the GM of the alliance will receive the 5% of 2100 total valid bet, the 200 bet from alliance X is excluded as none from alliance Y and Z bet for it. This system can only send jewel count divisible by 30/20/10, any remainder will not be sent.